Dental Students’ Views on the Covid-19 Vaccine

An extended version of the BDJ letter: Russell-Williams, C., Al-Attar, S. Students’ vaccine views. Br Dent J 230, 183 (2021). Key Facts: 86.6% of dental students plan to have or have already received the vaccine. 56.3% of dental students believe the vaccine may have harmful side effects or long-term effects. 72.4% of dental students would like more[…]

Research summary : ‘Minimally invasive treatment of white spot lesions’

Clinical Case Summary: ‘Minimally invasive treatment of white spot lesions’ A summary of: Victoria Sampson. 2020. Minimally invasive treatment of white spot lesions. DMG Connect. Date Reviewed: 13.12.2020. White spot lesions are white opacities seen on teeth after the subsurface layer of the on enamel on the tooth becomes demineralised. The decalcified inner enamel[…]

Research summary : The availability and characteristics of patient-focused YouTube videos related to oral hygiene instruction

A summary of: Smyth, R., Amlani, M., Fulton, A. et al. The availability and characteristics of patient-focused YouTube videos related to oral hygiene instruction. Br Dent J 228, 773–781 (2020).  With dental caries and periodontal disease still being prevalent within the UK, preventative interventions have been and are effective in reducing incidence of disease. Preventative healthcare advice has been[…]

Research summary : Does dental appearance impact on employability in adults? This study wanted to look at the qualitative and quantitative evidence of the current literature regarding the impact of dental appearance on employability.  Background: Physical appearance in social and professional situations is well known to be of importance. There is unquestionable evidence that ‘facial attractiveness’ can influence unrelated personal characteristics. Judgements are subconsciously made[…]

Research summary – Minimum Intervention oral healthcare for people with dental phobia

A summary of: Heidari, E., Newton, J. & Banerjee, A. Minimum intervention oral healthcare for people with dental phobia: a patient management pathway. Br Dent J 229, 417–424 (2020). Background: Dental phobia is very common among adults and usually associated with poorer oral health because these patients tend to delay treatment. Treatment may be avoided until advanced[…]

Research Summary: Do GDPs have a role in identifying dental patients with mental health problems?

A Summary of: Lloyd-Williams F, Dowrick C, Hillon D, Humphris G, Moulding G, Ireland R. A preliminary communication on whether general dental practitioners have a role in identifying dental patients with mental health problems. Br Dent J. 2001 Dec 8;191(11):625-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4801252. PMID: 11770949. By Sathyam Sharma, Barts BDS5 Background: Mental health conditions are becoming[…]

Research summary : Oral infections and cardiovascular disease

Kholy, K., Genco, R., & Van Dyke, T. (2015). Oral infections and cardiovascular disease. Trends In Endocrinology & Metabolism, 26(6), 315-321. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2015.03.001 There is evidence linking periodontal disease to cardiovascular disease. This review examines the plausibility of the association and how systemic exposure to oral bacteria impacts the initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases by triggering[…]

Research summary : Plant-based milks : the dental perspective

A summary of: Sumner, O., Burbridge, L. Plant-based milks: the dental perspective. British Dental Journal. 2020. A quarter of people used plant-based milks in 2019 which is an increase compared to previous years. The increased consumption is a trend driven by the 16-24 age group.The aim of the study was to compare the nutritional[…]