12 tips for 2020

12 tips for 2020


MUDRsoc is back with a new blog and we want to wish you a Happy New Year! We hope you all had a nice break and are ready to get back to Uni. This blog lists 12 tips you might find useful for the new year. Here we go..



1- Be confident in yourself!

Most of us feel anxious about starting our first endo case or crown prep, and at times like these, confidence is super important. Always check with your tutor before, during and after treatment if necessary, however have faith in what you have been learning be and the skills you have been practicing before going on clinic.


2- Unwind

It is easy to get too invested in work during dental school, especially during exam time or when we have deadlines. However, you really need to put time for yourself to destress and unwind. Dance to a few songs, go for a run or watch a movie! It can be as easy as that.


3- Just ask.

If you find yourself a bit lost, ask an older year or a tutor for help. They have all been in your shoes and will hopefully be able to guide you. A little bit of insight can go a long way.


4- Find a balance

You shouldn’t miss out on the student life. Take the opportunity to volunteer, engage with the community and join student societies. This will also help with your leadership skills and time management.


5- Do some research

Research may sound intimidating, but as a student researcher you get a lot of help. So if you ever hear about an opportunity that interests you, try it out you’ll never know what you are capable of otherwise.


6- Practice makes perfect

Keep in mind that everyone moves at their own pace, so don’t be disheartened if you can’t perfect your crown preps yet! If you find certain treatments more challenging, book some extra clinical skills sessions to practice. And don’t give up!


7- Be healthy

We have all heard it before; healthy mind, healthy body.


8- Pay attention

Pay close attention to leaders in a field you specifically want to get better at. This is a proven formula for achieving your goals.


9- Set up your priorities

Make time your friend, not your enemy


10- Invest in education

You will get ready-made solutions, motivation and save time in extra courses, training and interning.


11- Challenge yourself

Step out of your comfort zone once in a while. As students we have an advantage of professionals help and guidance.


12- Remember

Everything that you send to the universe materializes. Dream and wish! Do this more often and use it as a drive to get to where you want.


Happy 2020!

MUDRSoc Committee

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